Legentic Achieves ISO 27001 and 27701 Certifications: A Testament to Excellence

2 Minutes Read

Announcements like these are not just milestones. They are a testament to the commitment, dedication, and hard work that goes into achieving them. Today, we are thrilled to share an incredible achievement that we, as a team, are enormously proud of. Legentic, your trusted partner in combating financial crime and fraud, has officially received confirmation from the auditors that we will be awarded the prestigious ISO 27001 and 27701 certifications.

Persistence Pays: The Journey to Certification

Achieving these certifications doesn't happen overnight. It has been an intense, rigorous journey involving detailed audits, meticulous interviews, and a collective effort from every department within our organization. Our team has shown unwavering confidence and conviction during the audit process, demonstrating not only our dedication to information security but also our commitment to excellence in all that we do.

Our Heroes: An Acknowledgement of Hard Work

No success story is complete without acknowledging the heroes behind it. A special thank you goes to everyone involved in the certification process. From the intense interviews to the diligent preparation, your contribution has been instrumental in achieving this milestone. Your hard work emphasizes Legentic’s dedication to continuous improvement and our position as a trusted and secure organization in the industry.

What this means for You: Enhanced Trust and Security

As our valued customer, what does this mean for you? ISO 27001 is the international standard outlining best practices for an information security management system (ISMS), while ISO 27701 is an extension to ISO 27001, providing guidelines for implementing a privacy information management system (PIMS). These certifications assure you that we take your data security seriously and have robust systems to protect it. We are committed to maintaining the highest information security, privacy, and trust standards.

Onwards and Upwards: The Journey Continues

This achievement has given us an added boost of confidence and motivation to continue on our journey, ensuring we uphold these standards and even surpass them. At Legentic, we believe in continuous growth and improvement. This is not the end but rather a new beginning. A stepping stone to even greater heights.

As we celebrate this accomplishment, we also look forward to the future. A future where we remain steadfast in our commitment to providing you with the highest possible level of service, all while ensuring your information is protected and secure. So here's to us, to you, and to a future filled with even more success. 🎉 🎊

At Legentic, we are dedicated to providing you with the highest level of service and security. We invite you to learn more about our services and how we can help you combat financial crime and fraud. Contact us today, and let's make a difference together.

Picture of Team Legentic

Team Legentic
